Image Name Dukan Diet Menus, Side Effects, Phases and Recipes

Dukan Diet Menus, Side Effects, Phases and Recipes

What is Dukan Diet?

Before starting, let’s define the Dukan Diet. For all of you asking yourself “What is Dukan Diet?”, we have the answer.

The Dukan diet is one of the most effective methods and hot news in the weight loss market recently. It is proclaimed as an ultimate weight loss methodology that saves the person practicing it from trouble and includes a safe and healthy regime within. The Dukan Diet has reached the market several years ago. Today, there are thousands of people enjoying its benefits, including the main one the maximum weight loss. There is a whole Dukan community where people share their Dukan Diet meals, whether it is breakfast, dessert, snack or other foods practiced with the Dukan diet. In the USA, the Dukan diet is widely acknowledged. As we stated previously, the large online communities and Dukan diet forums are the ultimate places to visit if you are a newbie in the regime.

In the spirit of the Dukan diet, there are many experiences. Normally, there is usual criticism, which after all, is a normal thing to appear when there is a huge mass of people practicing a diet regime as the Dukan diet. Mainly, the critics are oriented in the after effects of the Dukan diet, where people are getting back the weight they have lost. However, nothing is wrong with this and should not be even stated as a critic towards the Dukan diet.

For most of the people, the Dukan diet is a healthy way to keep a regular food diary. Moreover, it is one of the quickest, easiest and most life-changing weight loss solutions. For anyone that is not familiar with it, it smashes the overweight issues, dumping off the snacks, chocolates, and sweets. Instead, it focuses on a clean and healthy Dukan diet food diary, that is mainly oriented to cherishing the fruits and vegetables.

The Dukan diet changes the ways people see food, of course, for the better. This change enables them to lose weight and keep a regular and clean diet. The biggest benefit of all is actually the magic included in the proper nutrition and the great effects of the Dukan diet in overall.

The Truth About Dukan Diet

For the people who have heard many things about the Dukan diet, it is time to clear the doubts. Whether talking about the Dukan Diet reviews, rules, shops, meals, even the tests, before you start the regime, you must know nothing but the real truth.

There are many myths that people hear and are distracted from the majesty of the Dukan diet. Firstly, people hear that the Dukan diet is based on starvation. This is one of the biggest mistakes and a ridiculous claim by itself. In fact, measuring the exact amount of food is never a practice in the Dukan diet! You can eat as much as you want, as long as the food you eat is clean and with low calories.

Also, people think that the Dukan diet is unhealthy. In general, these thoughts are only from people that haven’t read much and rely solely on other people’s opinions. After all, how can a diet be unhealthy when its main aim is to cut off the extra weight by eating clean fruit and vegetables? However, the Dukan diet plan always includes water in the menu, which is the ultimate asset do the risk of dehydration. When the body is hydrated with water, it will easily fight against the calories and trigger the metabolism in a positive way.

The magic part in following the Dukan diet menu is that every starter is firstly skeptical about the new fruit and vegetable regimen, but after a week finds incredible comfort in the exact same foods. The main benefit from them is clearly improving the well being and positive emotions all the way. The Dukan diet plan is easy to follow and stick to, helping the speed of weight loss, the lack of hunger and the food cravings. This perfect combination of the three most popular issues related to weight is blended in and evaluated in the best way possible through the Dukan diet menu regime.

Without sacrificing the tastes and flavors of food while throwing the extra weight away, the Dukan diet regime presents a clear and precise routine, causing great effects on weight loss as well as overall health on the long run.

The 4 Phases of Dukan Diet

In the picture below you can see the progress with the Dukan Diet’s 4 main phases of action: 4 phases dukan

As well as the nutrition in each phase:

Dukan Nutrition

Many people start the Dukan diet but are misled with issues, making them distracted and back to the original food habits. Most of the mistakes happen with not eating enough and feeling hungry. This is rather a psychological thing than a diet one. How? The human brain tends to think that if the person eats less, the diet is active. This main boundary is not an issue with the Dukan diet health plan. In fact, it allows you to eat as much as you want, only if you are following the right Dukan diet nutrition and of course, the right foods. You can track here (the official Dukan Diet website) the progress of Jennifer D., who has lost more than 130 lbs with practicing the healthy regime of the Dukan diet.

Do you want such a transformation? Now you have seen it! It doesn’t take anything more but determination and discipline.

Another psychological mislead is the feeling of not having enough variety of foods in the Dukan diet. This comes usually from people who haven’t read a lot about all of the foods available and recommended with the diet itself. In fact, there are more foods that anyone can imagine. With steady meal times and eagerly anticipated meal solutions, the Dukan diet is always effective in the quickest and easiest way possible. When talking about Dukan diet meal ideas and recipes, you can always check videos and other sources on the Internet as well as in the community. For an example, on the following link you can watch a video that contains a lot of healthy Dukan diet meals and meal ideas:

All in all, the Dukan diet does not work by magic as you may think. People appear to think that for a diet to succeed, it must contain a lack of food and quick weight loss. Actually, this thought is not supported at all by any doctor or nutritionist. With the proper nutrition plan of the Dukan diet and a steady regime, eating as much as you want is not a problem. Apart from that, the way to escape the overweight issues is never as quick as practiced by many people on a diet. The lack of hunger, lack of nutrition are methods to actually starve the body and slow the metabolism, instead of boosting it with a proper nutrition regimen, as followed in the Dukan diet.

So, how to start the Dukan diet program?

All it takes is a determination to start. After it’s done, the official Dukan Diet book by the founder, Dr. Pierre Dukan can be found really easy. You can buy it directly from Amazon in Kindle or hardcover version here.

It has been translated into many languages and sold in many countries. However, the main point is the successful practice of the Dukan Diet regimen, which helps in losing weight permanently and in a healthy way.

Dukan Book

Following the personal progress in a Dukan diet planner and calculating the calorie intake in the Dukan diet calculator are common activities to practice. However, the overall and most important activity is to stay positive and keep off the unhealthy habits. With the proper menu ideas, nutrition guide and healthy recipes, the Dukan diet will transform your body in ways you have never imagined of.

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