Image Name DIY Essential Oil Labels: Ideas to Help Keep Track of Your Growing Collection

DIY Essential Oil Labels: Ideas to Help Keep Track of Your Growing Collection

If you have a growing collection of essential oils, you probably have begun to wonder how to best organize and label your bottles. Since most bottles are similar in nature and color, they can be difficult to distinguish from one another at first glance even with the manufacturer’s labeling. It can become even more difficult if you create your own blends and have made many of them. When that happens, it is important to know which oils you mixed and easily identify its use. The following provides a few ideas to help keep you organized whether you need them for personal use or for your own business purposes.

Essential Oil Storage

You may have noticed that essential oils come in a darker tinted glass or plastic bottle, and many times a disclaimer is noted on the label that they should be kept in a cool, dark area and out of direct sunlight. Because of this, you may assume that oil will become ruined if exposed to freezing temperatures or extreme heat.

Pure Distilled Oils

Lavender herb flower together with green leaves beside is the brown bottle with tube-like black cover and a white background behind.

But if your oil is 100% pure distilled oil, this is not always the case as many have already been exposed to high heats within the distillation process, which does not break down or destroy their properties. Some exceptions include citrus oils that are often cold pressed for the oil extraction. What is suggested, however, is to not use or open your bottle until it is brought back to room temperature naturally in order to avoid exposing it to air while exposed to heat since the evaporative process can cause its oxidation.

Carrier Oils

Castor oil in a clear bottle on the brown wood. Castor fruit inside a brown bowl beside the clear bottle full of castor oil with a blurred castor fruit inside a light brown bowl behind.

If your oil is already diluted in a carrier oil when purchased (which are still honestly sold as 100% pure oil, but may not disclose WHICH oils), you should take care to keep them from heating as carrier oils, such as olive, grapeseed, almond, and coconut oil can become rancid after exposure to high heats.

Therefore, it is important to know what your bottles contain in order to label them in storage and use them properly. A little research into the oil extraction process can help keep them fresh longer for your enjoyment for as long as you need them.

Sunlight also can break down the oils due to UVA and UVB rays- hence why they should always be stored in a dark container and out of direct sunlight. Below are a few ideas in which you will need to help store your oils for quick use and easy identification.

Color Coding

Papers with a different color of circles. Paper with an orange circle. Paper with a purple circle. Paper with a red circle. Paper with a blue circle. Paper with a white circle. Paper with a pink circle. Paper with a green circle. Paper with a yellow circle. Paper with a brown circle. Paper with a gray circle. Paper with a black circle.

One way to organize your oils for quick reference is by color coding your bottles or tops. Oils can be used in various ways and are often preferred for specific uses by essential oil enthusiasts. When you are looking for a specific oil to diffuse or topically apply, you don’t want to have to go through multiple oils to find exactly what you need.

What you need:

Oils are used either to diffuse, ingest, or use topically. Separating these by color is a great way to provide quick reference. Even though many oils can be used in more than one way, most people prefer to use them in a specific way. If you enjoy using them in multiple ways, you can create additional coding, especially for multiple uses if you so choose.

Placing color on the tops of the bottles are a popular way people use to label their bottles. Many oils are stored in boxes or drawers, and looking down upon them allows for easy location of oils by use.

Label Maker

Brother label maker with a combination color of light green, white, and black.

Long gone are the days of the raised letter, barely sticky label makers. Label makers these days provide highly adhesive, thin, durable labels in various colors, fonts, and symbols. This is an excellent way to not only label your new bottles but also include information to existing bottles by applying specific symbols for oil use along with the oil name. Plus, you can apply color coding techniques as well since label cartridges are easy to change out.

What you need:

Label makers are awesome tools that require the insertion of a cartridge and a simple input of your own information. Then, the maker prints out thin adhesive labels without any additional cables or printer hookup. This is an excellent way to quickly and efficiently label your bottles or provide additional information to them for beneficial references. Plus, since they have symbol capabilities, you can create a tag for uses or preferences for use to help save on the amount of space you have for text.

Vinyl Decals

Assorted color vinyl

Vinyl is a great medium to provide a thin, durable, and detailed sticker-like label to your bottles. Unlabeled bottles that you have blended are probably in need of a label to provide information about what can be found inside. Getting creative with your oil naming can be a fun way to showcase your oils. Many times you can easily customize your own vinyl decals online, but you may already have what you need to create your own.

What you need:

  • Computer



  • Printer
  • Adhesive vinyl
  • X-Acto knife
  • Cutting surface

If you have a computer, you can play with various fonts and font sizes to create your own lettering design. If you happen to have a printer and cutting machine, you can easily cut your own onto adhesive vinyl sheets through the machine’s programs. If you don’t have a machine, you can also cut your own by hand. To do so, simply print your label names out, trace or tape onto an adhesive vinyl sheet, and cut out with an x-Acto knife.

Printable Sticker Labels

printable labels

Although printable labels are not as delicate and detailed looking like vinyl stickers, you can include much more information pertaining to the oil(s) within and instructions on how to use them. This is especially helpful for oils that have multiple purposes, as well as blends you have created. Plus, you can always add more information on the label as you find new ways to use your oil or list the ways you prefer to use it.

What you need:

Remembering all the ways you can use an oil or which oils you used in a blend can get a bit overwhelming at times. Rather than constantly having to look up oil uses, why not include them on the labels you create yourself? If you have a printer, you can easily place some basic uses and helpful information on bottle labels to help you determine its use. If you do not have a printer, simply hand write what you need on the label with a fine tipped permanent marker prior to placing it on the label.

Reference Sheets

A reference sheet. A pink and brown notebook with a stripe and white pen.

Although not a traditional way to label, providing a reference sheet does help provide quick information to essential oil users. These can be organized in any way you like and can even work alongside any labeling method you already have in place.  Your color code guide, the direction of use for your oils, or even recipe list for your favorite blends- a reference sheet can be a handy way to help keep track of your oil and oil uses. Obviously, you can input this on a computer or have it handwritten. Plus, more information can be added to as your collection grows. Some ideas to consider:

  • spreadsheet
  • A color-coded list for use
  • A recipe booklet for blends
  • A list of uses for each oil
  • Dietary guides
  • Recipe booklet for culinary experiences

You could even write your info on cardstock and have them laminated for quick and easy referral and to keep them from getting ruined with use.


No matter which way you choose to organize and label your essential oils, you will be more than happy you did as it will provide a quick and easy way to locate what you need. This is especially helpful for a growing oil collection, as well as for the blends you may begin to mix for various uses. With the many ways oils can be used, it makes sense to provide a way to organize and refer to your oils so they don’t go to waste, and you can take advantage of all they can offer.

Color coding, vinyl naming, and informational use and benefits are all examples of what you can include on your labels. Whether you have tools to help create your labels or not, you can create an effective method with very little materials. In fact, you may have a bit of what you need already handy.

We’d love to see your label creations and hear about your label making ideas below. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know as well. And, as always, please share!

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