slique essence
Body image is a big issue today. We want to be accepted for who we are on the inside, not for what we look like on the outside, so, when we start talking about weight loss here at Better Mind Body Soul, we don’t want to contribute to the ideology that skinny is beautiful. All people are beautiful no matter if they are in a size zero or a size fourteen.
Check The PriceThat said, no matter what your body image is or how politically correct our society becomes, maintaining a healthy weight is important and should not be pushed aside. As most of us know, losing weight is not the easiest thing to do, and if we could just curb that hunger, we might actually be able to shed a few pounds.
We are going to take a look at Slique Essence reviews posted about the essential oil blend in this line of weight loss products by Young Living.
Table of Contents
Young Living: The Company
The best way to know a product is to take a closer look at the company behind it. In the case of Slique Essence, Young Living and its founders are behind its creation, and their essential oil experience goes back into the 20th century. D. Gary Young and his wife Mary started this company in 1993 with one goal in mind- to bring the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils to everyone in the world.
From then, their essential oil list has expanded to a wide range of different blends and product lines that utilize the scent. An example of this is their Thieves blend, which is incorporated in everything from cleaning products to personal hygiene. The Slique Essence has a complete line of products available based around this one blend.
Why Is Weight Loss Important?
Losing weight when you need to is important for your life. You are more susceptible to diseases and developing health issues when you are overweight. Belly fat has been linked to a myriad of issues including heart disease and a vitamin D deficiency. Also, obese people have a better chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
If you want to live a good life, then it is important to lose that excess weight.
How To Lose Weight
We are all looking for that magic potion that will just shed the pounds for us as we eat our cakes and pies and lay around watching television instead of walking the dog. The reality is, there is no magic potion, but there are products that can help you.
If you want to lose weight, the best way to do it is to track your calories, exercise more, and find natural products that can help you along the way. Slique Essence is one of those products, and it is created from pure essential oils.
There are over-the-counter weight loss medications and so many other products that make the promise of quick and easy weight loss that it’s hard to know whom to believe. We are going to take a close look at Slique, what it promises, and whether or not the consumers believe it delivers.
Slique Essence – The Breakdown
This essential oil is a blend of Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Spearmint, and Ocotea oils with a touch of stevia extract. It was created to help its users manage their weight correctly with the help of the essential oils mixed together in this blend. Now, let’s take a look at what this product is designed to do by taking a closer look at what’s inside.
Check The PriceIngredients and Their Benefits
This first essential oil in this digestive blend by Young Living has been known to curb the over-enthusiastic appetite. It also increases urination, which helps lose that water weight. It also removes toxins from the body, which keeps it running efficiently.
When it comes to digestion, this oil is a dynamo. It keeps the digestive juices flowing in a healthy way and keeps a balance between bile and acid so that there is neutrality to your system. Tangerine also works as an anti-inflammatory so it can ease any stomach issues cause by irritation.
All of your organ systems will be restored when using this oil, which includes digestion. Spearmint also stimulates the production of bile, enzymes, and gastric juices. Among other benefits, this oil can relieve stress, which can cause you to gain weight.
This essential oil also relieves stress. Lemon also works as a carminative, which eases excess gas and give relief to certain stomach issues. Acidity, indigestion, and cramps are also no match for this powerful oil.
Here, we have an oil that battles diabetes, which can be a result of being overweight. It works as an antispasmodic, which helps with abnormal digestive issues. Ocotea provides aid with both constipation and other excrement issues.
This oil also lowers stress, battles anxiety, and has been known to curb a hunger craving from time to time. It also fights inflammation, which can also aid in digestive problems that led to the difficulty of losing weight.
As the only non-essential oil in the blend, this substance is an extract nonetheless. It is taken from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, and it is grown in Brazil and Paraguay. Stevia is used in some foods as an artificial sweetener for the sake of curbing appetite.
How To Use
Young Living’s website suggests that you shake the bottle of essential oil very well and then add anywhere from two to four drops of it into your water or tea. They suggest you use it throughout your day in-between meals if you get hungry.
Ingestion is not the only way you can use this blend. It is also suggested that you inhale it directly as opposed to diffusing it due to the Stevia. While topical use is typically utilized with essential oils, this one is not applied that way and may feel sticky due to the Stevia.
It cannot be said enough that even though a company says that an oil or blend is safe for consumption, it is always best to do your research and talk to a healthcare professional before ingesting any essential oils or blends. There are possible side effects to each of these oils and the Stevia, so it goes without saying that this should not be used to lose your baby weight.
Caution should be used especially if you are pregnant or a nursing mother. Keep this out of your children’s reach and away from your pets.
Who Should Buy This?
I think this product is something a person who is having a difficult time dealing with hunger pains. If you find that your diet plan is not meeting your hunger needs, then you might want to give this blend a try. This is also a great choice for those looking to lose weight that appreciates citrusy flavors that are a bit sweet.
Check The PriceWhat Are People Saying?
The feedback on this product is more good than bad. It seems some folks lost the weight they wanted, and Slique helped them curb those cravings while they dieted. Yet, there are some that didn’t find this product work that well when it came to their weight loss, and there are those who claimed that the taste was far too sweet. Stevia is known to be far sweeter than sugar.
Of course, there were a few complaints about leaking or cracked shipments, but those problems have little to do with the actual product other than human error or mistakes.
If you are looking to lose weight and can’t seem to stop feeling hungry, then this might be the product for you. It needs to be said that there are no miracle cures when it comes to weight loss, and if you purchase this product believing it will be all you need to get rid of that belly fat, then you are not going at this with the right attitude. Eat healthily, exercise more, and find a supplement if you need to.
Do you use Slique Essence? If so, let us know about your experience in the comments section below and thank you for reading Better Mind Body Soul.
Check The Price
Young Living Slique Essence and choose become a Member: enter sponsor/enroller #12614880 (Verified Purchase)
Q:How much does Young Living Slique Essence cost?
A: The cost of Young Living Slique Essence is $34.21 (a 15-milliliter bottle).
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I highly recommend purchasing a Premium Starter KIt and becoming a part of Young Living Essential Oils. go to and choose become a Member. Put the member #12614880 in the sponsor/enroller boxes,fill in required information, create a password and pin. Then send me an email and I will help you get started on your future wellness. “With Slique’s unique combination of exotic ingredients and powerful essential oils, you can take a step in the right direction – toward a healthier, happier you!” I am looking for people who are interested in future of health and prosperity. Also, by getting on Essential Rewards means you get paid to use Young Living products. My local organic grocer doesn’t offer that.